Jiangxi has conducted specific training on the quality inspection of petrochemical enterprises

Drying equipment

The Petrochemical Industry Department of the Jiangxi Provincial Industrial and Information Technology Committee held a graded training conference for quality inspection organizations in the petrochemical industry in Nanchang. The meeting conveyed the spirit of the related documents issued by the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation's petrochemical industry quality inspection agency, and provided specific training for the quality inspection organization of petrochemical enterprises, and made arrangements for the follow-up work. Carry out the quality inspection agency grading work, help standardize petrochemical enterprises quality inspection activities, improve the quality management level of enterprises, and enhance the market competitiveness of products.

Paint Brush Machine

On the basis of international cutting edge brush making technology and our own patented inventions, Haixing brush machines are stable and reliable and have been well accepted by the markets. By selecting different clamps and platforms, each Haixing brush machine can produce different types of brushes. Paint brush is one of the end products. These machines can produce flat paint brushes and rolling paint brushes. They have the functions of drilling holes and tufting filaments.

Paint Brush Making Machine, Paint Brush Machine

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